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7 Easy Tips to Boost Attendance at Your Healthcare Event

7 Quick Tips for Planning and Executing a Successful Healthcare Event

Planning and then executing a Healthcare event can seem a daunting job. But with these 7 quick tips, you’ll be 7 steps ahead of the rest in ensuring your event attendee rates are up and better than ever.

There’s no time to spare. You have a healthcare event to plan. Read on.

1. Get Attendee Input

With good reason, attendee input is placed number one on our list. Surveying your target audience (the attendees you’d like to come) for dates of availability and important topics they’d like to see covered at your event will help you plan the event of the century (an event they won’t want to miss)!

Once you receive the data, you can begin the steps of planning an agenda centred around the topics most interesting to them (Miller Tanner Associates, n.d.).

Bonus point: You could also ask a question about the deliverance of your event when surveying. This will give you a clear idea of how interactive (or not) your event should be. Avoid a 50 slide PowerPoint. Nobody enjoys them, we promise.

2. Announce Your Healthcare Event as Early as Possible

Are you a healthcare professional? How many weeks ahead is your schedule fully booked?

By announcing the date of your (not to be missed) event months ahead of the date is one of the most important ways to ensure you get attendees. Announcing an event 1 week ahead of schedule is unlikely to be successful. Everyone is busy a week from now.

However, announcing your event 3 months in advance is likely to receive more interest (someone’s calendar is unlikely to be booked 3-months from now) AND it also gives you more time to promote the event! This three-month period means you can run campaigns and get attendees excited for the big event (Miller Tanner Associates, n.d.)

3.  Attach Special Offers to Your Healthcare Event

A little enticement can go a long way.

Offer a different price range for certain tickets (early-bird), a student discount on tickets is a great way to promote your event at universities (if there’s a discount, students are never too far away).

Giving out discounts on your services is also a great way to get individuals to sign up (Ponzar, 2019).

However, if a discount isn’t available, why not offer a free eBook/journal available for download when someone signs up? Small gestures like this are like gold mines for the public. Freebies and not paying full price are 2 things we can’t say no to!

4. Boost the Promotion of Your Healthcare Event With an Email Campaign

Consider an email campaign to promote your event and the word out there. Email marketing is proven to be a marketer’s most valuable marketing campaign. In fact, according to a study by Litmus: 4 out of 5 marketers said they’d rather give up social media than email marketing (Litmus, 2020). Alas, it’s the way to get those attendee numbers on the rise.

How to market your event via email? Take the marketing funnel.

Thanks to your great marketing skills, this can be applied to your event, and you can move an individual down the funnel (all the way to attending your event).

Exposure: The announcement of your healthcare event. This must include all the vital information: when will it take place, where will it take place, who is running it, why are you holding the event, and what will it be about (the crucial agenda we mentioned earlier).

Discovery: You’ve made your lead aware of the event, now share with them more info about what they can expect. This can include revealing who your key speakers will be, and we recommend including a contact here in case one has any questions.

Consideration: Tell your leads what they want to hear: how successful have your previous events been? Share testimonials from previous events and include event images (this technique is great to add credibility to your institution and its events)

Conversion: By now, your lead will have hopefully signed up. Share with them a thank you email reminding them about the date, time & location of the event. Express your gratitude for them taking time out of their busy schedule to come to your event. If you offered an enticement (e.g., a free eBook) be sure to share this with them now.

5. Event Registration and Landing Pages

A simple and straightforward registration process can be the difference between an attendee or not. A landing page can be set up for individuals to register, reserve their space, and purchase tickets. Make it clear, concise, and relevant. The individual has come to this page with the intent to make a conversion. You wouldn’t want them to click away because they didn’t understand the sign-up process (Localsit, 2021)

6. Use Ads to Promote Your Healthcare Event

“A modest investment can go a long way” – (Cooper, 2020)

You can run ads on platforms like Google and Facebook to expand your reach. With the right targeting, your ad will reach users who are interested in healthcare events (or even specifically the topic your event will be based on) and encourage clicks (Cooper, 2020).

7. Word of Mouth & Cross-Promotion

Event promotion through word of mouth doesn’t have to start after the event (“I attended, and it was great”). It can start before, how? Well, by succeeding in steps 1-6, you’ve set up your event to be a real crowd-pleaser. Perhaps one of your emails really caught someone’s attention. They’re likely to mention it at their next social event. The agenda looks particularly interesting. People will share with people who have an interest in the area.

Our final point of this blog is Cross-Promotion. Ask the key speakers to promote your event on their social media and websites (where they go, their followers are likely to show). Their followers are likely to be your desired audience (Korrapati, 2018).

Get people to attend your healthcare event. It sounds daunting but implementing (& executing) these 7 steps will boost your attendee list. You need to plan an event that your audience is going to want to attend. By incorporating all of these tips, your event may become the talk of the year!

Want to learn more? Book your appointment with us today!


You can reach us at 1 844-764-4897 and [email protected]


Miller Tanner Associates, n.d.. 5 Ways To Boost Attendance At Medical Meetings. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 10 January 2022].

Ponzar, A., 2019. Eight Ways To Boost Your Event Attendance. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 10 January 2022].

Litmus, 2020. 2020 State of Email Report, Fall Edition, s.l.: Litmus.

Diggity Marketing, n.d. How To Develop a Profitable Digital Marketing Funnel. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 10 January 2022].

Localsit, 2021. How Event Marketing Can Help Healthcare and Hospitals Build Community. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 10 January 2022].

Cooper, B., 2020. 7 Quick Steps to Increase Attendance at Your Health IT Event. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 10 January 2022].

Korrapati, P., 2018. 5 Ways To Promote Your Healthcare Event. [Online]

Available at:

[Accessed 10 January 2022].

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