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Category: Telehealth

Should Your Practice Go Phygital?

Should Your Practice Go Phygital?

Every few years we coin words and phrases that are then added to dictionaries, making them official. The word “Phygital” is a recent example. It refers to the merging of the words physical (PHY) and digital (GITAL). It’s the integration of physical and digital to enhance the customer experience. Brick-and-mortar businesses represent the physical aspect […]

COVID-19’s Impact on Addiction Treatment Center Marketing

COVID-19’s Impact on Addiction Treatment Center Marketing Closed Coffee Shop

How Addiction Treatment Centre Marketing Has Adapted During COVID-19 To say that the 2020 global pandemic has affected every sphere of our lives would be a gross understatement. Addiction treatment centre marketing experts were not spared in such a trying time. In the area of addiction treatment, professionals like you, have had your work cut […]