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Google Ad Optimization for Maximizing your Healthcare Budget

Google Ad Budget

In this article, we’ll look at some key elements you can optimize regarding Google Ads. We’ll discuss various ways to improve your healthcare Google Ad spending so that it’s more effective and efficient.


Tactics to Improve your Google Ad Healthcare budget

Ad Copy

When it comes to campaign optimization, a lot goes into ensuring your ads are optimized for maximum clicks and conversions. Essentially, you want to use a call-to-action (CTA) in your ad copy, so people want to click on it. The CTA should be relevant to the audience and include wording like “learn more” or “get started.”

You also need the right keywords for your ads to get approved by Google AdWords’ ad quality algorithm. This means using relevant but not specific keywords since they won’t be as valuable when targeting potential customers looking for healthcare services in their area.

Another important factor is using clear and concise headlines while also conveying value propositions about what you provide as an organization or business offering medical treatment of some kind (think: “We treat back pain!”).

 Ad Copy


Display URLs

The display URL is the URL that is displayed to users when your ad is served. It’s also the landing page that shows up in search results, so ensure it’s relevant to both.

The best way to do this is by using your brand name as a display URL and directing users through anchor text back to your primary site (i.e.,

Also, make sure both the display URL and landing page are on the same domain or subdomain level—you don’t want any confusion for users about where they’re going once they click on an ad. Finally, add some keywords from your ad copy to the display URL.




The next step is to select the right keywords. Keywords should be relevant to your product or service, reflect user intent and are not too competitive or long.

A good strategy is to start with broad keywords that can be broken down into more specific ones as you measure the success of your campaign.

This will give you a better understanding of what types of people are searching for your products/services, allowing you to tailor your ads further and maximize clicks at an affordable price point.



Demographics, Interests and Re-marketing

It’s essential to ensure you’re targeting the right audience for your campaign. You can segment by age, gender and even location. With Google Ads, you can create different target audiences based on who sees your ads.

For example, you could target an audience of people who live in California and are interested in fitness and then use this audience when creating ads for gyms or local fitness studios in California.

Re-marketing allows you to reach people who have already visited your website but haven’t made a purchase yet. When they come back to view more pages or add items to their shopping cart, those people will see ads related to the content they’ve already viewed on your site.

Demographics, Interests and Re-marketing


Mobile, Location and Other Settings

Under the Mobile and Location settings, you can set your bid adjustments for mobile and desktop devices.

You may find that different bid adjustments are needed on each platform due to supply or demand issues within search engines. If you’re running campaigns targeting mobile and desktop users, this is an important area to review before making any changes.

If you’re using location targeting in your ads, this section is a great place to review your bidding strategy by location. This includes location targeting for city/state/country, a radius around a business address or map locations that can be used with Google Maps API services such as Places (formerly known as Google My Business).

To adjust bids by location, click on edit from the drop-down menu next to the specific targeting type (e.g., radius).


Match Types

Match types determine how Google will match your keyword with a search query. When setting up your keywords, you will notice several match types to choose from. Here is a more detailed description of each type:

  • Broad Match – This is the most popular and commonly used match type. It allows you to target users who utilize any variation of your keyword (including synonyms). For example, if you bid on the word “health”, your ads may come up for people searching for “healthy food”, “healthy living tips”, or even for those who type in “health care” (assuming these searches have similar intent). The main downside of broad matching is that it increases competition because many other advertisers are also targeting similar terms and phrases as you are.
  • Phrase Match – This gives more control over which queries trigger your ads by matching on close variations around those exact words contained in a phrase rather than using the entire phrase itself (e.g., “AdWords”). We recommend using this option when a few competitors are bidding on similar keywords; otherwise, it can increase costs without improving conversion rates or quality scores due to low relevance scores for such queries.
  • Exact Match – When choosing this option, every word in one’s ad group must be matched precisely with what someone typed into Google Search before seeing it displayed as an ad. For example: “Health Insurance Company” would not trigger an ad if someone typed something like “Health Insurance” instead because both terms differ by just one letter.

The healthcare industry is highly competitive, and there are many ways to stand out from competitors. Optimizing your AdWords campaign will ensure that your brand will be seen by potential customers and customers ready to make a purchase.

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