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Tag: community management

Should Your Practice Go Phygital?

Should Your Practice Go Phygital?

Every few years we coin words and phrases that are then added to dictionaries, making them official. The word “Phygital” is a recent example. It refers to the merging of the words physical (PHY) and digital (GITAL). It’s the integration of physical and digital to enhance the customer experience. Brick-and-mortar businesses represent the physical aspect […]

As A Health Clinic, Should I Be On Social Media?

As A Health Clinic, Should I Be On Social Media? health social media_invigoMEDIA

Social Media for Health Practices: To Do or Not To Do? In fact, if you are a health clinic, this post is geared towards you. It’s a common question, “should you, as a health clinic or practitioner be doing social media?” The truth is…it’s always a good idea to get on social media. You might […]