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Tag: website visitors

10 Reasons to Update Your Website

10 Reasons to Update Your Website Designers discussing website layouts

Your website is the metaphorical front door to your business. And like your clinic, hospital or office, it needs a makeover and various improvements from time to time. Healthcare marketing is rapidly evolving, therefore a website created four years ago, is probably less effective as a marketing tool today. You need to remain adaptable to […]

Why Opt For A Minimalistic vs. Busy Web Design?

Why Opt For A Minimalistic vs. Busy Web Design? minimalist web design

Essential Elements: Easy Navigation for Effective Website Conversion Why Minimalism? Minimalism essentially means decreasing all the elements to only focus or include the ones that are most essential. This idea is to bring about greater attention to the purpose. The idea is to limit or reduce the unnecessary noise and obstruction of focus due to […]